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Market Intelligence.
Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of something. For us, this means developing a deep understanding of clients, customers and markets. We aim to understand how customers really interact with our clients, their products and services. We seek to develop an understanding of market drivers and trends — all to help clients grow and transform their businesses.
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Qualitative &
Quantitative Research
Never rely on generalities or assumptions. Our analytics and research are powerful tools that provide strategic and actionable insight. Extensive, objective and easy to digest, research offers the very latest information to help you make better decisions, faster.
Trend Analysis
Trend analysis helps to evaluate and identify patterns, trends, or changes in data over time. We’ll examine historical and present data to gain insight into the tendencies of a particular active pattern or phenomenon. We can help you identify gaps in value provided, changes in tastes, or unexpected wants and needs.
Customer Analytics
We collect, validate, interpret and analyze customer data to gain valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors and needs. This helps businesses to create products and services that will attract and engage customers. Businesses that use customer analytics have 3X the revenue growth and 2X the ROI.
Competitor Monitoring
Looking within will only get you so far. We will help you effectively monitor your competitors operations, products, services, communications and online presence and activity.
Focus Groups
Focus groups are an important tool in customer development and evaluation. The group dynamic allows participants to build on another's responses to generate ideas that they might not have thought of otherwise.
Mystery Shopping
Mystery shopping allows you to gain insight into the way you and your competitors are perceived by clients. You will learn what satisfies your customers, what does not, where you or your competitors fall short and more.
Contact Us
General: hello@visualsteam.com
Jobs: hr@visualsteam.com
Press: pr@visualsteam.com
Sales: sales@visualsteam.com
Inside VisualSteam
Blending market intelligence, content and technology, we identify the opportunities for growth. Let us show you how.
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